Thursday, January 8, 2015

DIY: Throwback May 2014

Hello, God bless you. Today I'm gonna take you all the way back to May of 2014 to my baby's first birthday party. A Mickey Mouse Splash Party! This was an all DIY party!

I had been planning for months this amazing Mickey Mouse vintage/rustic inspired birthday party for my baby who was turning 1 year on the month of June. I decided to organize everything and celebrate his birthday a month early simply because his older brothers and sister always go on vacation for the summer with their family.
I can honestly say that all his party decorations were unique because I handmade them myself. Everything from the invitations to the "Happy Birthday" banner, the fans, the cake pops, and even the cake topper were all DIY. I had so much fun making everything. Of course it takes time to do, but I really enjoy doing stuff like this.

It was an amazing and such special time spent with loved ones..

Here's some pictures that my sister was able to capture of my baby's awesome birthday party.

Here's a little video my sister Lizzie made for my baby. Go and check out her blog for amazing posts at

Hope you enjoyed the pictures and video. If you have any questions as in how to make any of these please let me know in the comments section and I will try to recreate the DIY on here and on my YouTube channel as soon as I can. Thanks for visiting.